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Welcome to Skills for Health

The Skills Platform is no longer available, but we are excited to welcome you to explore our wide range of resources, products and services, developed as part of our commitment to an improved and sustainable healthcare workforce across the UK.

Smiling nurse sat at a desk working on a computer - Skills for Health eLearning

Skills for Health eLearning

Affordable, Compliant, Efficient

    Discover LearnSpace, your all-in-one solution for seamless compliance management and eLearning integration. Book a demo today.

    Our clients

    Why train with us?

    1 million+ courses completed every year from NHS, private health, and care organisations
    High-quality, cost effective training courses crafted by a diverse team of subject matter experts
    Authors of the Core Skills Training Framework® (CSTF)
    Achieve CQC compliance with our innovative learning management system, LearnSpace
    Train anytime, anywhere
    Over 2000 course titles

    “I love the fact it’s so easy to track everyone’s learning under the manager view, this has been invaluable for Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements. It’s also easy to see when a course has expired. We would not go back having used it for a number of years now.”

    Farzana Hussain, GP, The Project Surgery

    “The best things about working in partnership with Skills for Health are the excellent support that is given, and the quality of Skills for Health’s eLearning courses. The content delivered to students is a core part of our curriculum that is highly valued and is integrated in our learning offer for the future healthcare workforce.”

    University of Bedfordshire

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